Training credits
The University of Padua regularly organizes and hosts congresses, seminars, and conferences.
Participation in many of these events allows students to obtain training credits required by certain professional memberships. Several of these associations require a minimum number of credits to certify one’s professional development path. Credits are obtainable through training events or publications.
According to the legislative decree 138/2011 (converted with the law 248/2011), which established the obligation for professionals to follow permanent continuous training courses, based on regulations issued by the Orders, are subject to sanctions in case of non-compliance.
ECM Continuing Education in Medicine for doctors and healthcare professionals have been mandatory for some time now. Legislative Decree 502/92 requires participation in continuing education activities for those working in the National Health Service or accredited private healthcare facilities. The ECM program includes the obligation to achieve a predetermined number of training credits distributed over time.
The rules on the specific number of credits required for each professional and the methods of obtaining them are available on the website of the professional order to which they belong.