Events - Universa
For the first time, the University of Padova presents a coordinated year-long programme of events offering an organized and modulated balance between permanent exhibitions and festivals focusing on different themes of cultural and social interest, highly topical in certain cases.
The programme includes activities dedicated to culture and the communication of sciences, disclosure of top level research, history of the University's artistic, cultural and museum heritage, and discussions on urgent questions of the day. Among its objectives are the interplay of languages and skills and an interdisciplinary approach to questions of knowledge.
A regular appointment with the public, allowing the University to share the research conducted in all disciplines, with the accent on interplays between different languages and cultures.
Equality Talks
A series of especially important annual events looking at questions connected with human rights, inclusiveness, equality and differences, with an intersectional approach: gender, race, class, ethnic group, religion, disability...
La primavera scientifica in Orto
A spring festival on communication of the sciences, on all naturalistic disciplines, every year, lasting for one week and featuring a variety of proposals (conferences, evenings, workshops for children), to be held at the Biodiversity Garden in April, when plants are in blossom.
Notte dei ricercatori e PadovaNòva
The traditional European Researchers' Night, promoted in cooperation with Nòva-Sole24Ore and set to continue in its current configuration, is associated with days dedicated to new technologies and to civic media.
Patavina Libertas, tra scienze a arti
A special cycle of three major events spread across the year, dedicated in particular to the interactions between different areas of knowledge, where figures from the worlds of culture, art and literature engage in dialogue with scientists, exploring a common theme approached from different angles.
One Book One City
An annual project in which a classic book is read jointly and shared culturally through a number of heterogeneous initiatives: reading groups, meetings with authors or editors, projects in schools and in libraries, theatre and cinema projects, exhibitions, competitions, prizes...
Padua Nobel Lecture
Every year, the first semester of lessons will open with a lectio magistralis by a Nobel Prize Winner, in the Great Hall.
Padova nello Spazio
A popularizing event organized at international level, dedicated to astronomy and space exploration.
Kids University
An event dedicated to youngsters aged 8 to 13, involving schools, families and institutions. It features workshops, lessons and demonstrations.