MSCA IF Fellow: Cristiane Benincá

PDFProject:  MTPHAGYTREAT - Study of the role of mitophagy and lysosomal biogenesis in COX deficiency: a new model for drug discovery

Cristiane Benincá


MSCA Fellow: Cristiane Benincá

UNIPD Supervisor: Carlo Viscomi

Department: Biomedical Sciences

Total Contribution:  Euro 183.473,28

Project Duration in months: 24

Start Date: 01/02/2022
End Date: 31/01/2024


Cristiane is a biologist with a PhD in Genetics from the University of Barcelona. After a post-doctoral position at the National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) in Madrid, she got a visiting researcher fellowship in Brazil where she became a collaborating professor at the Department of Genetics Master in the Federal University of Parana (UFPR). She also started a collaboration connecting a multidisciplinary team of specialists for the genetic diagnosis of mitochondrial diseases. The collaboration included the biggest private pediatric hospital in Brazil (Hospital Pequeno Principe), the UFPR and it was expanded to the University of Cambridge (UK), after she moved with her family back to Europe. She also became the Microscopy Facility Manager in Mitochondrial Biology Unit (University of Cambridge). In 2020 she joined the Metabolism Theme at the University of California in Los Angeles as an Assistant Project Scientist and Microscopy Core Director. She works in close relationship with a Pharma Company to find new compounds to improve mitochondrial health. In the genetics field, she keeps her collaborations in Brazil, analyzing and interpreting NGS data for the diagnosis of genetic diseases.