First cycle degree in


Class: L-30 - Physics

y2024 WUR Subject Physics and Astronomy badge 100
Class L-30 - Physics
Duration 3 years
Branch Padova
Language Italian
Tuition fees and scholarships
Programme coordinator ENRICO MARIA CORSINI
Access Restricted
Reference structures Department of physics and astronomy, School of science

Observing the sky and questioning the origin of the world: a natural instinct of humankind to which astronomy responds by investigating and interpreting the physical phenomena that affect the universe. The astronomer studies the physical properties of the planets, stars, galaxies and all the systems and structures of the universe, and explains the formation and evolution of celestial bodies in space and time thanks to mathematical and physical models, to answer in scientific terms the most ancestral of humanity's questions "Who are we and where do we come from?" In addition to solid foundations in mathematics, chemistry and physics in its various branches, you will acquire a solid mastery of the fundamental notions of astronomy and astrophysics and an overview of the most modern aspects of astronomical research. You may find employment in the optical industries or in space and information technology.

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Characteristics and objectives
The course provides the fundamentals of astronomy and astrophysics in addition to a good knowledge of classical and modern physics and adequate mathematical skills. At the end, the graduate student will know how to choose the proper observational setup and theoretical model to address an astrophysical problem by acquiring, analyzing, and modeling astronomical data.

Occupational opportunities
Graduate students with a B.Sc. Degree in Astronomy can find a job in companies interested in optics, space technology, scientific instrumentation, software development, and data analysis or they can carry out applied research in industrial and academic laboratories. Graduate students interested in pursuing research in astronomy or in teaching in middle and high schools need to complete their formation getting a M.Sc. Degree.

From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The B.Sc. Degree in Astronomy provides admission to the M.Sc. in Astrophysics and Cosmology.