Incentives and subsidies

Incentives are offered to give you the opportunity to obtain reductions in the amount of contributions, or they are provided as compensations related to specific collaborations or for academic merits.

  Incentives for Scientific Degrees
(second or third year students only)

The University of Padova offers an annual merit-based economic support to a selection of students enrolled in scientific degree programmes.

Students will be selected by the University on the basis of the following requirements:
1. regular registration in a course year following the first, for a number of years not exceeding the normal duration of the courses mentioned in the call for application;
2. merit, based on the relevant factor accrued as at 10 August 2024;
3. economic condition indicated by the ISEE value.

How to apply: you are not required to apply specifically for it, as the award is assigned automatically to eligible students.

Amount of the awardup to a maximum amount of euro 1000, as reduction of second and third instalments of due tuition fees.

  Dual career student-athlete

To students who have achieved significant competitive sports merits, the University grants study benefits and support. For freshmen, the merit requirement consists of obtaining at least 6 ECTS credits by the first exam session (February 2025), while those enrolled in years following the first must obtain at least 20 ECTS credits in the previous academic year.

Discover more

  Tutoring Grants

Every year, competitions are announced for the selection of tutors (170/2003), which take into account academic merit, skills, and aptitudes, evaluated through qualifications and selection interviews.

How to become a Tutor

  Student collaborations (200 hours)

Every year, students can apply for part-time collaborations with the University, for a maximum duration of 200 hours.

Useful information and call for applications

  Call for support for rent payments

In order to support non-resident female and male students belonging to a family unit with an ISEE not exceeding 20,000 euros and who do not receive other public housing contributions for the reference period (January - August 2024), the Ministry of University and Research has established a fund aimed at providing a contribution for housing rental expenses incurred by these non-resident students, that is, those living in a place different from where the rented property is located. The total amount of the contribution due to each university will be determined by the Ministry of University and Research with a subsequent provision.

Dedicated Webpage

  Contribution to healthcare expenses

In order to support non-resident female and male students, the Ministry of University and Research has established a fund aimed at providing a contribution for healthcare expenses incurred by these non-resident students, defined as those residing in an Italian region different from the one where the university they are enrolled in is located. The contribution for the academic year 2024/25 is 250.00 euros and will be allocated based on the ranking position and until the assigned resources from the Ministry are exhausted.

Dedicated webpage

  Awards for students and graduates

To reward deserving students, the University and other public or private entities periodically establish study and graduation awards: the vast majority are intended for graduates, but in some cases, those enrolled in bachelor's, master's, and single-cycle master's degree programs can also compete.

The procedures, requirements, and types of awards vary and are specified in the individual calls for applications, along with the contact information of the organizations issuing the competition.

Dedicated webpage

Student Services Office - Economic benefits

via del Portello 19, 35129 Padova
Call centre tel. 049.8273131 (from 09:00 AM to 17:00 PM)

The Student Services Office is open to the public every day during office hours.

Opening hours:

Mondays and Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Tuesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Thursdays 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fridays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.