Scholarships for Chinese PhD students
The University of Padova and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) have created a scholarship programme to enable talented Chinese students to undertake a PhD programme at Padova.
The agreement between CSC and the University of Padova was signed in Beijing, at the CSC headquarters, on October 20th 2014 and renewed in August 2022.
The scholarships build on Padova University’s existing relationship with China. It has, in fact, extensive research links with Chinese research institutions and Universities. This scheme provides Chinese students who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership potential with the opportunity to study for a PhD at the University of Padova. They are supported jointly by the China Scholarship (on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of Education) and the University of Padova.
PhD courses
The scholarships are available for study in the following PhD courses:
- Animal and Food Science
- Astronomy in agreement with Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biosciences
- Brain, Mind and Computer Science in agreement with Fondazione Bruno Kessler
- Clinical and Experimental Oncology and Immunology
- Clinical and experimental sciences
- Crop Science
- Developmental Medicine and Health Planning Sciences in agreement with Fondazione Istituto di Ricerca pediatrica Città della Speranza
- Economics and Management
- Geosciences
- Historical, Geographical, Anthropological Studies in agreement with Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
- History, Criticism and Preservation of Cultural Heritage
- Industrial Engineering
- Information Engineering
- International, private and labor law
- Land, Environment, Resources and Health
- Law
- Linguistic, Philological and Literary Sciences
- Management Engineering and Real Estate Economics
- Materials Science and technology
- Mathematical Sciences
- Mechatronics and Product Innovation Engineering
- Molecular Medicine
- Molecular Sciences in agreement with Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
- Neuroscience
- Oncology and Immunology
- Pedagogical, Educational and Instructional Sciences
- Pharmacological Sciences
- Philosophy
- Physics in agreement with Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – INFN
- Psychological Sciences
- Science and Engineering of Materials and Nanostructures
- Sciences of Civil and Environmental Architectural Engineering
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences: Interactions, Communication, Cultural Constructions
- Sciences, Technologies and Measurements for Space
- Statistical Sciences
- Translational Specialistic Medicine ‘G.B. Morgagni’
- Veterinary Sciences and Food Safety
Information on the PhD Courses are available here.
Admissions for CSC candidates
Applications are now open for CSC (China Scholarship Council) candidates for the next PhD cycle, which is expected to begin around November 2025.
Candidates with Chinese citizenship who are interested in applying for CSC scholarships and wish to apply to the University of Padova should submit their application in order to receive a letter of admission to the University of Padova’s PhD program, following the procedure outlined below (Guidelines for completing the online application form). The effective admission will be subject to the granting of the CSC scholarship.
Candidates who wish to apply to the University of Padova outside the UNIPD-CSC agreement will follow the regular admission procedure.
Application deadline is December 16, 2024 at 13 (CET)
Who can participate
- Citizens of the People's Republic of China
- Students who will complete a Master degree course by September 30th, 2025
- Candidates with an excellent knowledge of English.
Selection procedure will be based on the evaluation of qualifications and an oral examination. The oral examination aims to assess the candidate's motivation, their knowledge of the presented project, and to verify their excellent proficiency in the English language.
Evaluation rankings
Successful candidates are informed that acceptance letters will be sent starting Monday 10 February
The scholarship will cover
A grant for average living costs, one return flight from China to Italy, a contribution to attend conferences.
The University of Padova exempts candidates from the payment of tuition fees, while the amounts due for stamp duty and regional contribution to the right to education must be paid.
Awards are made for the full duration of your fee liability for the agreed course
If you have any questions about the scheme, please contact phd.application@unipd.it
For information in Chinese and available on the CSC website, please refer to www.csc.edu.cn
Students will need to select "host country" and "category" for specific programmes.