Recognition of a doctoral qualification obtained abroad
Full recognition of a foreign qualification, pursuant to Articles 2 and 3 of Law no. 148/2002, is aimed at the award of an Italian university qualification similar to the one held and with the same legal value.
The procedure provides for detailed verification of the correspondence in level and content between the foreign qualification and the Italian qualification.
Applications for recognition of a doctoral qualification obtained abroad may be submitted throughout the year.
Documents required
- Copy of the doctoral thesis completed and/or indication of the web address of the university repository or library where the approved thesis is kept and can be consulted (alternatively, indication of the references of the competent office where access can be requested to verify correspondence);
- Curriculum vitae/studiorum indicating any additional titles, publications and/or research and teaching activities carried out.
- Valid identity document;
- Receipt for payment of the recognition application fee of €300.00
- for qualifications obtained in countries outside the European Union:
a) copy of the qualification
b) certificate attesting to the elements and activities of the course followed in order to obtain the final qualification, as well as an indication of the number of years of the course
c) translation and legalisation of the documents under a) and b) into Italian
d) a declaration of value issued by the Italian diplomatic or consular representations expressly stating: the minimum legal duration of the doctoral course attended as provided for by the foreign university system (for the purposes of recognition, this duration must not be less than the minimum of three years provided for by Italian regulations on doctoral degrees) and the legal status of the foreign university with evidence of its ability to issue qualifications valid in its own country
e) as an alternative to point d): comparability and verification certificates issued by ENIC_NARIC centres
- for degrees awarded in countries of the European Union:
a) copy of the title
b) Diploma Supplement or certificate attesting to the elements and activities of the course undertaken in order to obtain the final qualification, as well as the indication of the number of years of the course with attached certificates of comparability and verification issued by ENIC_NARIC centres.
The application must indicate the PhD course activated by the University of Padua for which equivalence is requested. The list of courses at our University and related details are available at https://www.unipd.it/en/phd
At the same time as submitting the application, a non-refundable initial fee of €300 (including stamp duty) must be paid via PagoPA, to which a further €300 will subsequently be added as a release fee.
It is recommended to book an interview with the PhD Office (phd@unipd.it) to verify the documentation.
Subsequently, it will be necessary to send the documentation, including the payment receipt, via email PEC to amministrazione.centrale@pec.unipd.it.
If the request is accepted, it will be necessary to have the original documentation examined by the Office in order to complete the procedure.
Doctoral Degrees - PhD Office
via Martiri della Libertà, 8 - 35137
Ground mail: via 8 febbraio 2 - 35122 Padova
tel. +39 049 827 8978
e-mail: phd@unipd.it
Telegram channel
Public opening hours: Monday: 10-13, Tuesday 10–13 and 15–16.30, Wednesday: 10–13, Thursday: 10–15, Friday: 10-13
We recommend accessing the front office preferably by reservation, by booking an appointment at the following link https://web.unipd.it/prenotazionidottorato/ and following the instructions on the screen.