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Professore Ordinario





Stefano Zaggia is Full Professor in «History of Architecture» at University of Padua, Department of Civil, Environment and Architectural Engineering; previously he was a researcher at the same university. He has a master degree in Architecture and a PhD in «History of Architecture and Urban History». Research scholarship at Department of History of Architecture IUAV and at DAUR University of Padua; Teaching Fellow in «History of Architecture» and «History of Contemporary Architecture» at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Padova. He is member of the teaching staff of the School of Doctorate in Civil, Environmental engeneering and Architecture. Starting from october 2019 he is Director of the Master Degree Course in Building Engineering and Architecture (Single cycle degree / Combined bachelor and master).
He published critical essays on urban history and on history of architecture in XVI and XIX century; participated in several International and National Congress (i.e.: II International Conference on Urban History», Strasbourg; Seminario Internazionale, Les etrangers dans l'espace phisique urbain XIII-XIXe siecles; Renaisance Society of America, Venice Conference, 8-10 aprile 2010); collaborated at a number of exhibitions («Architettura e spazio sacro nella modernità», Biennale di Venezia, 1992; «Paolo Farinati», Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona, 2005; «Metamorfosi Negate», Padua, 2012; «Domenico Cerato » 2016). His research deal also to the role of the professional figure of the engineers and architects in Modern and Contemporary ages. Principal publications: Una piazza per la città del principe. Strategie urbane e architettura a Imola durante la signoria di Girolamo Riario (1474-1488), Roma, Officina Edizioni, 1999; L’università di Padova nel Rinascimento. La costruzione del palazzo del Bo e dell’Orto botanico, Venezia, Marsilio, 2003; Lo spazio interdetto: il ghetto ebraico di Padova. Saggio di storia urbana, Padua, Padova University Press, 2020.
As editor: (with G. Mazzi) «Architetto sia l’ingegniero che discorre». Ingeneri, architetti e proti nell’età della Repubblica, Venezia, Marsilio, 2004; Metamorfosi Negate. I progetti non realizzati di Giuseppe Jappelli per Padova, Padova, CLEUP 2012; Il Cortile antico del Palazzo del Bo, Milano Skira 2015; (with V.C. Donvito) Domenico Cerato. Architettura a Padova nel Secolo dei Lumi, Milano, Skira, 2016; (with B. Castiglioni) Monastero e territorio: periferie dello spirito e dello spazio, Padova, Padova University press, 2019.


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 14:30 to 16:30
    at DICEA - sezione disegno - via Venezia 1, ex Polo Meccanico, Padova
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