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Professor Reader in Human Geography

Professor Reader in Didactics of Geography (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, (SUPSI),
Senior Lecturer (B) Professor Reader in Human Geography (University of Padova –IT)

PhD: “Man and Environment” University of Padova. Title: “The Territory of the Web – Study of an Online Water Project (December, 2000).
Postdoctoral: Subject area “Earth Sciences”. Title: “The Territory of the Web”. July, 2003.
Degree: in Pedagogy, Faculty of Science of Education, University of Padova Pedagogical Studies. Title of thesis: “Environmental Education Online”. June, 1996.

Date: October 2013 to now
Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland.
Type of Employment: Responsible for the eighth axis of research “Training and educational systems” for the DFA, SUPSI.

Date: January 2011 – September 2013
University of Padova, “PhD School of historical, geographical and historical-religious Studies”, course “Human and Physical Geography”,
Type of Employment: Vice Coordinator

Date, 2012 to now
University of Padova
Type of Employment: Senior Lecturer (B) Professor Reader in Human Geography and Didactics of Geography.

Date: 09.2015 to now
Dipartimento Formazione e Apprendimento (DFA) – Department of Teaching and Learning, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland.
Type of Employment: Member of direction of DFA.

Research projects:
Date: 09.2016 to now
ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE EPFL; Cooperation & Development Center CODEV. EPFL Leading House mandate belongs to the research cooperation programmes of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
Travelling Soundscape Workshop for Preservation and Valorization of Sound (TSW) and follow up (see annex)
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Swiss Principal Investigator

Date: 2016 to now
Project DFA: Discovering acoustic places for a landscape education.
Adopting a community-based, action-oriented model of social learning is a model that proposes that learning can occur by simply ‘doing’ activities or by making use of the creative reworking.
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Coordinator and Senior Researcher.

Date: 2015 to now
Erasmus Plus Project
Type of Employment: Pedagogia della cittadinanza e formazione degli insegnanti: un’alleanza tra scuola e territorio (Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school, territory, community – STEP School Territory Environment Pedagogy).
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Action Coordinator.

Date: 2015 to now
Musei d’arte e disabilità visive: Pari opportunità nella vita culturale della Svizzera italiana.
Art museums and visual disability: Equal opportunities in the cultural life of the Italian part of Switzerland


Office hours

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    su appuntamento via mail Entra nella riunione in Zoom ID riunione: 434 633 7612


Lorena Rocca (2021). Che scatole queste regioni. In: (a cura di): Albert Mayer; Francesco Michi; Stefano Zorzanello, Soundscapes of work and of play. vol. 1, p. 147-161, Giulianova: Galaad Edizioni, ISBN: 9788898722976

Rocca L. (2021). I luoghi dei bambini: una radice inestricabile. In: (a cura di): Berengo V.;Boccaletto F., Geografie d'infanzia. vol. 1, p. 130-135, Padova: Padova University Press, ISBN: 9788869382598

Lorena Rocca (2020). Ticino Soundmap, possibili viaggi in una mappa dell’ascolto. GEOTEMA, p. 407-415, ISSN: 1126-7798

Lorena Rocca, Mirjam Magrin, Erica Ronzoni (2020). Hai sentito il terremoto?. In: (a cura di): Marco Tononi;Sara Bonati, Cambiamento climatico e rischio. Proposte per una didattica geografica. TRATTI GEOGRAFICI. MATERIALI DI RICERCA E RISORSE EDUCATIVE, p. 68-83, Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788835101789

Lorena Rocca, Mirjam Magrin (2020). Percorsi di educazione al rischio sismico attraverso il paesaggio sonoro e l’apprendimento attivo. In: (a cura di): Marco Tononi; Sara Bonati, Cambiamento climatico e rischio. Proposte per una didattica geografica. TRATTI GEOGRAFICI. MATERIALI DI RICERCA E RISORSE EDUCATIVE, p. 111-134, Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788835101789

Lorena Rocca (2019). I suoni dei treni in Canton Ticino. Un esercizio di memoria collettiva tra ricerca geografica ed artistica. In: (a cura di): F. Salvatori, L’apporto della Geografia tra rivoluzioni e riforme. Atti del XXXII Congresso Geografico Italiano (Roma, 7-10 giugno 2017). vol. 1, p. 2817-2825, Bologna:Associazione dei Geografi Italiani (AGeI)., ISBN: 978-88-942641-0-4

Lorena Rocca (2019). I suoni dei luoghi. Percorsi di geografie degli ascolti. AMBIENTE, SOCIETÀ, TERRITORIO, vol. 1, p. 1-211, ROMA: Carocci Editore, ISBN: 9788843075591

Lorena Rocca (2019). You are Here. Luoghi, corpi e mappature sonore.. In: (a cura di): Cristiano Giorda;Giacomo Zanolin, Idee geografiche per educare al mondo. vol. 1, p. 1-25, MIlano:Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788891798022

Lorena Rocca (2019). Viaggio tra ritmi visibili ed invisibili. I treni in Canton Ticino. In: (a cura di): Francesco Michi; Stefano Zorzanello, DIFFERENT RHYTHMS. vol. 1, p. 233-237, Giulianova (Teramo):Galaad Edizioni, ISBN: 9788898722754

Lorena Rocca (2018). Rumore di occhiali da sole. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION FOR INCLUSION, vol. VI, p. 75-84, ISSN: 2282-6041

DONADELLI GIOVANNI, GALLANTI CHIARA, ROCCA LORENA, VAROTTO MAURO (2018). University heritage, museums and third mission: a geographical viewpoint on social engagement. In: (a cura di): M. Mouliou S. Soubiran S. Talas R. Wittje, Turning Ιnside Οut European University Heritage: Collections, Audiences, Stakeholders. p. 27-36, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Press, ISBN: 978-960-466-186-2

MINELLE CRISTINA, ROCCA LORENA, Bussi, Francesco (2016). Storia e geografia. Idee per una didattica congiunta. Roma: Carocci Editore spa, ISBN: 9788843076314

Cristina Minelle, francesco Bussi, Lorena Rocca (2014). Building geographical knowledge together: the case of a Geography teaching on line course. J- READING, JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND DIDACTICS IN GEOGRAPHY, vol. 3, p. 31-48, ISSN: 2281-4310

Research Area

ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE EPFL; Cooperation & Development Center CODEV. EPFL Leading House mandate belongs to the research cooperation programmes of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).
Travelling Soundscape Workshop for Preservation and Valorization of Sound (TSW) and follow up (see Annex 1)
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Principal Investigator
2016 to now
Project DFA: Discovering acoustic places for a landscape education.
Adopting a community-based, action-oriented model of social learning is a model that proposes that learning can occur by simply ‘doing’ activities or by making use of the creative reworking.
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Coordinator and Senior Researcher.
2015 to now
Erasmus Plus Project
Type of Employment: Pedagogia della cittadinanza e formazione degli insegnanti: un’alleanza tra scuola e territorio (Citizenship pedagogy and teacher education: an alliance between school, territory, community – STEP School Territory Environment Pedagogy).
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Action Coordinator for Switzerland and Senior Researcher.
2015 to now
Musei d’arte e disabilità visive: Pari opportunità nella vita culturale della Svizzera italiana. Art museums and visual disability: Equal opportunities in the cultural life of the Italian part of Switzerland "Mediation Culture Inclusion" is a project developed by SUPSI to promote free access to the cultural and artistic world of the Italian part of Switzerland, identifying scalable and repeatable solutions that make the main art museums accessible to people with visual impairments. The project includes a mapping of Swiss and foreign good practices, a deep investigation among blind and visually impaired public and an a long range of practical experimentation with inclusive cultural mediation activities carried out during 2017 in collaboration with the project partners.
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Senior Researcher
2011 to now
University heritage, museums and third mission: a geographical viewpoint on social engagement Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World, University of Padua
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Senior Researcher and co-coordinator. Responsible for accessibility and inclusion
20012 to now
University of Padova
Type of Employment: Participation in the working group coordinated by Professor Salvatore Soresi and Professor Laura Nota of “La.RIOS – Laboratory of Research and Participation for the Orientation of Choices – University of Padova, Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization”.
2012 to now
University of Padova
Type of Employment: Establishment of an interdepartmental working group which has the objective of researching the beliefs of teachers; the effects of beliefs on performance; emotional processes and well- being; focus on the positive; strategic and emotional-motivational aspects of learning. Collaboration is Research Projects
with Professor Francesca Pazzaglia and Doctor Moè of the Department of General Psychology of the University of Padova.
Main Duties and Responsibilities: Coordinator of research and Senior Researcher.
September 2015 - October 2016
Resett Project
Drawing synergies between education and research. With Loredana Addimando, Luca Cignetti, Michele Egloff.