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Marco Mascia, PhD in International Relations; Professor of International Relations at the University of Padua. In the same University he is Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace"; Chairholder of the Jean Monnet Chair “Political System of the European Union”; President of the Human Rights Centre "Antonio Papisca"; Coordinator of the Italian Network of Universities for Peace created by the Conference of Italian University Rectors; member of the Academic Board of the Joint International PhD Programme in "Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance"; member of the Commission for the Presidium for the Quality of Didactics, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Peace Human Rights Governance" (Padova University Press); Co-Director of the Series “Human Rights Studies”, Brussels, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers; member of the Editorial Board of the Annuario Italiano dei Diritti Umani/Italian Yearbook of Human Rights (Padova University Press / Brussels, Peter Lang); responsible for the training of young people in universal civil service at the University of Padua. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of national and international journals.
He was President of the BA "Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights" and of MA “Human Rights and Multi-level Governance” (2013-2021) and member of the Commission for the Presidium for the Quality of Didactics (2005-2020).
He was member of the Government Commission drafting the legislative decrees implementing the enabling act on disability (2022-2023). From 2019 to 2023, he coordinated the project "Women, Peace, Security" promoted and implemented by the University Centre for Human Rights "Antonio Papisca" in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the framework of the implementation of Italy's third and fourth National Action Plan "Women, Peace, Security". He was Director of the two editions of the training course for trainers of the organizations participating in the Civil Peace Corps experimentation which took place respectively in 2017 and 2019 at the headquarters of the Department of Youth and the Universal Civil Service, Presidency of the Council of Ministers
He is member of the committee of trustees of the Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei, AUSE-ECSA-Italy; member of the Committee of monitoring and evaluation of the experimentation of the Civil Peace Corps, Department of Youth and the National Civil Service, Presidency of the Council of Ministers; member of the board of the PerugiAssisi Foundation for the Culture of Peace.
Main research interests include: international democracy, the EU political system, the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, the role of global civil society in international relations, the role of local and regional authorities in the promotion and protection of human rights.


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  • Per impegni accademici, il ricevimento studenti potrebbe subire delle variazioni che saranno tempestivamente pubblicate in questa pagina web. --------- Il ricevimento studenti si svolgerà su ZOOM (usare il software scaricabile da e cliccare su Join Meeting inserendo come meeting ID il numero: 906285859). ********* Nel mese di FEBBRAIO il ricevimento si svolgerà nei seguenti giorni: martedì 4, ore 10.30; lunedì 10, ore 9.00; lunedì 17, ore 9.00; Martedì 25, ore 8.30.
