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Ricercatrice Universitaria a tempo indeterminato






Dear Students, I would like to inform you about the possibility to contact me by e-mail - and on the basis of your needs define an appointment face to face or in exceptionally also via zoom for an extra time meeting respect to the weekly office hours
Meeting ID: 951 8627 4301 or in my Unipd Office in via del Santo 28 (appointment in this case is necessary)

The office time with students is scheduled face to face.
Only in case of particular situations to attend office time in presence (details on scheduled time on the specific section) it is possible to partecipate in video-conference using the ID here below indicated

Download the software at: and Join Meeting with this ID: 951 8627 4301
Meeting ID: 951 8627 4301

Before to link to zoom for the weekly meeting, please dont't forget to verify if time and day are confirmed or scheduled for other day and hour. You can find all the information upadated in the section devoted named Orario di Ricevimento

see Ricevimento studenti for weekly office time with students

Office hours

  • Wednesday from 10:30 to 12:00
    at ID Zoom: Meeting ID: 951 8627 4301, Dpt SPGI, Via del Santo 28, 1 piano (Settore A Stanza 02 016)
    Next WEEKLY appointment with students for OFFICE TIME will be WEDNESDAY 26 FEBRUARY. WEEKLY OFFICE TIME with students is REGULARLY in presence in my office in Via del Santo 28, 1 floor, unless otherwise indicated. Students are invited to come at the starting time. Zoom call instead of face to face meeting will be possibile in case of difficulties to arrive in the DPT. Here below the link: Download the software at: and Join Meeting with this ID: 951 8627 4301 Meeting ID: 951 8627 4301 Il prossimo RICEVIMENTO STUDENTI avrà luogo MERCOLEDI 26 FEBBRAIO. IL RICEVIMENTO STUDENTI si tiene normalmente in presenza nel mio studio di Via del Santo 28 in DPT SPGI, 1 piano, salva diversa indicazione. Si invitano gli studenti a presentarsi all'orario di inizio. E' possibile anche usare il link Zoom in caso di difficoltà reali a recarsi in studio per i colloqui. Usare il software scaricabile da e cliccare su Join Meeting inserendo come meeting ID il numero: ID: 951 8627 4301 Download the software at: and Join Meeting with this ID: 951 8627 4301 Meeting ID: 951 8627 4301

Thesis proposals


The Women's Human Rights course hinges on the disciplines of political science. The formula for political science analysis is summarized in the terms "who, towards whom, does what what, how, why" as well as what power does and what power is.

Those who carry out a thesis in a topic framed using the analytical frame of Women's Human Rights must commit themselves to demonstrating their ability to reflect on events, obviously making use of the approaches, theories, and opinions of authors who must be cited with scrupulous precision and who obviously may have a more legal than politological approach in view of the normative dimension of human rights.

It is important that the analysis be carried out on the basis of one or more hypotheses (research questions), to be made explicit at the beginning. The body of the thesis consists of the analysis aimed at supporting (or proving) the hypothesis on the basis of arguments based on real data adequately selected and described.
Therefore, it is important to describe the methodology and the state of the art

The subject of a Women's Human Rights thesis may be issues, problems, events, processes, and institutions pertaining to both domestic and international issues that in various ways intersect with the topic of women's human rights.

After agreeing on the theme, the candidate, on the basis of some initial readings, writes in 2-3 pages his proposed "outline", which will decline in a hypothesis of Index to be discussed and finalized with the Rapporteur.

After this phase, it is a good idea to bring to the supervisor a chapter of the thesis (with notes), together with the general index, so as to enable the supervisor to help the candidate to continue the elaboration of an organic work.

An important moment is when the supervisor is able to read the entire thesis: this is the moment when it is possible to evaluate the organic nature, the systematic nature, and the balance between the various parts of the thesis.

THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE THE SUBMISSION OF THE THESES, so that the graduate student has time to review the "whole" of what has been written and, if necessary, to rework it.

Notes may be written at the foot of the page. A general bibliography must be attached to the thesis.
Please note the usefulness of following the Courses offered by the Library and the Department for the writing of the thesis and for research.

The thesis can be requested after taking the exam and at least 5 months before the graduation session.

It is the Supervisor who decides when to submit the thesis application. The title of the thesis must be AGREED with the Rapporteur before submitting the application for graduation.

JUNE/JULY SESSION: The thesis must be AGREED with the faculty member by the beginning of March and, in order to submit the application for graduation, the student must have developed a well-structured table of contents and written the first chapter.

OCTOBER/NOVEMBER SESSION: the thesis must be agreed upon with the professor by June 15 and, in order to submit the degree application, the student must have developed a well-structured table of contents and written the first chapter.