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Francesca Dalla Vecchia born in Vicenza on 27/5/1960. In 1983 degree in Biology at Padua University. In 1990 PhD in Evolutionistic Biology at the University of Padova. From 1991 to 2002 Researcher (Faculty of Sciences) at the same University. From 2002 Associated Professor at the Department of Biology of Padova University.
Main research interest: effects of biotic stress on plants; effects of heavy metals and pharmaceutical on morpho-physiology of microalgae, macroalgae and plants used in phytoremediation; eco-morpho-physiological studies on different species of Crassulaceae in the Euganean hills; studies on seed germination.
Author of 77 publications in international journals.


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 10:00 to 11:00
    at Dipartimento di Biologia 4° piano sud
    Il ricevimento può essere concordato in altro orario e giorno



1A A. GIULINI, N. LA ROCCA, D.DURANTINI, A. MALGIOGLIO, DALLA VECCHIA F., P. MANZOTTI, G. CONSONNI, N. RASCIO, G. GAVAZZI (2011). A viviparous mutant of maize exhibiting permanent water stress symptoms. PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, vol. 64, p. 99-108, ISSN: 0167-6903, doi:10.1007/s10725-010-9543-0 -Impact Factor 1.604

2A DALLA VECCHIA F, MARZOCCHI M, MAISTRO S, I. MORO (2012). Morpho-physiological effects of cadmium on two Ulva species. ARCHIV FUR HYDROBIOLOGIESUPPLEMENTBAND, ALGOLOGICAL STUDIES, vol. 138, p. 13-25, ISSN: 0342-1120

3A Schiavon M., Moro I., Pilon-Smits A.H., Matozzo V., Malagoli M., Dalla Vecchia F. (2012). Accumulation of selenium in Ulva sp. and effects on morphology, ultrastructure and antioxidant enzymes and metabolites.. AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY, vol. 122-123, p. 222-231, ISSN: 0166-445X, doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2012.06.014

4A Piovan A., Caniato R., Dalla Vecchia F. Filippini R.(2014) Comparative study of leaf morphology, phenolics and methylxanthines in Camelia sinensis Teas from Italian Market. , 2:154-160 Articolo in rivista internazionale con referees senza Impact factor
5A MORO I., MATOZZO V., PIOVAN A., MOSCHIN E., DALLA VECCHIA F. (2014). Morpho-physiological effects of ibuprofen by Scenedesmus rubescens. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 2: 154-160 Impact Factor 2.084

6A °Piovan A., Caniato R., Filippini R., Chiesura F., Dalla Vecchia F. (2015) Morphological and phytochemical aspects of three alien Opuntia species on Eugenean hills in North-Eastern Italy. Plant Biosystems 149(4):788-796

7A N. La Rocca, P. Manzotti, M. Cavaiuolo, A. Barbante, F. Dalla Vecchia, D. Gabotti, G. Gendrot, D. S Horner, J. Krstajic, M. Persico, N. Rascio, P. Rogowsky, A. Scarafoni, and G. Consonni (2015) The maize fused leaves1 (fdl1) gene controls organ separation in the embryo and seedling shoot and promotes coleoptile opening. Journal of Experimental Botany 66(19):5753-5767

8A Schiavon M., Pilon-Smits E.A.H., Citta A., Folda A., Rigobello M.P., Dalla Vecchia F. (2016). Comparative effects of selenate and selenite on selenium accumulation, morphophysiology and glutathione synthesis in Ulva australis. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. DOI.10.1007/s11356-016-6649-6 vol 23(15) 15023-15032

9A Schiavon M. Dalla Vecchia F. (2017) Selenium and algae: accumulation, tolerance mechanisms and dietary perspectives. In: Selenium in plants Pilon-Smiths E.A.H. et al.( Eds) Springer (Pub).ISBN 978-3-319-56248-3, 372006_1_En,(5)

10A Schiavon M., Ertani A., Parrasia S., Dalla Vecchia F. (2017) Selenium accumulation and metabolism in algae. Aquatic toxicology 189:1-8

Research Area

Prof. Dalla Vecchia carries out the following research lines:
effects of abiotic stress on the morpho-physiology of higher plants;
effects of heavy metals on the morpho-physiology of macroalgae and plants used in phytodepuration; effect of pharmaceuticals as emerging pollutants in microalgae and macroalgae.

Thesis proposals

Effect of emerging pollutants on microalgae and macroalgae.
Conservation of plant species at risk of extinction.
Effect of the application of biostimulants on crop plants.