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Pavan, A. (2017c). The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques’ Overseas Scholarship Program: Targeting Quality and Employment. World Journal of Education. 7 (4) 32-39
Pavan, A. (2017b). Saudi Arabia Approaching 2030: The Shift from Quantitative to Qualitative Ambitions in Education, Enhancing Human Development. International Research in Higher Education. 2 (2) 8-14
Pavan, A. (2017a). Information and Dialogue in the Struggle against Islamophobia: The Jeddah Declaration for a Culture of Moderation. World Journal of Social Science. 4 (2) 1-6
Pavan, A. (2016). Higher Education in Saudi Arabia: Rooted in Heritage and Values, Aspiring to Progress. International Research in Higher Education. 1 (1) 91-100
Pavan, A. (2015). The Saudi Arabian Way to Knowledge Society: Foresight, Wisdom and the Quest for Excellence in Education. Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences. 8(1) 347-
Pavan, A. (2014d). The New Saudi Educational Renaissance: in between the “Capacity to Aspire” and the “Capacity to Remember”. Higher Education Studies. 4 (5) 37-46
Pavan, A., & Alfahadi, A. (2014c). Glocal Higher Education in Saudi Arabia. Developments and Challenges. Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences. 7 (2) 133-137
Pavan, A. (2014b). A New Educational Competitor in the Worldwide Scenario: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In Global Academic Network International Conference in Dubai (Ed.), Book of Abstracts. (
Pavan, A. (2014a). UNESCO and the Human Right to Education for All within the International
Community. Peace/Human Rights. 10 (1) 47-63
Pavan, A. (2013b). A New Perspective on the Quest for Education: the Saudi Arabian Way to
Knowledge Society. Higher Education Studies. 3 (6) 25-34
Pavan, A. (2013a). Ripensare nella crisi la cultura della formazione (Rethinking Lifelong Learning
Culture in Times of Crisis). Rome: Armando
Pavan, A. (2011). Questioni di giustizia educativa nella comunità internazionale (Questions of
Educational Justice within the International Community). Peace/Human Rights. 9 (2) 117-127
Pavan, A. (2009). L'anno europeo della creatività e dell'innovazione (2009). Verso la quinta libertà
(The European Year of Creativity and Innovation. Towards the Fifth Freedom). Peace/Human
Rights. 6 (1) 111-122
Pavan, A. (2008). Nelle società della conoscenza. Il progetto politico dell'apprendimento continuo
(Into Knowledge Societies. The Political Project of Lifelong Learning). Rome: Armando
Pavan, A. (2005). Cultura della formazione e politiche dell'apprendimento (Lifelong Learning
Culture and Learning Policies). Rome: Armando
Pavan, A. (2003). Formazione continua. Dibattiti e politiche internazionali (Lifelong Learning.
Debates and International Policies). Rome: Armando

Area di ricerca

Higher education policies in the Arab Gulf States: the Saudi Arabia case study
The image of Saudi Arabia in the Western media
Social and cultural changes in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia and UNESCO
EU policies on lifelong and lifewide learning
EU Digital Education Action Plan
Right to education, right to health

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