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Professore Ordinario






Orari di ricevimento

  • Il Martedi' dalle 14:30 alle 16:15
    presso Via U. Bassi 1 - 5 Floor or Via Del Santo, 33 (to be checked online)
    Students are required to book a consultation time through an online platform (Setmore). Booking is easy: Click and Open the following link: Select the relevant activity (Consultation Hours – Teaching) and the name of the instructor (Amedeo Pugliese) Select the date and time that are available. [Be careful that you can only book an appointment starting 8 days in advance of the chosen date and up to 12 hours in advance. For instance, if you wish to book an appointment on Feb 16th you can only book from Feb 9th until Feb 15th at 12am). Once you have booked an appointment, you will receive an email with all relevant details and instructions to amend or cancel your appointment. Should you experience any issues, please contact me at I will only reply to emails sent from the UniPD institutional email (


1. Bezemer, Nicholson & Pugliese. 'The Influence of Board Chairs on Director Engagement: a Case based exploration of boardroom decision-making'. Corporate Governance: an International Review
2. Nicholson, Pugliese & Bezemer. 'Habitual Accountability Routines in the Boardroom: How Boards Balance Control and Collaboration'. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
3. Pugliese, Nicholson & Bezemer. An Observational Analysis of the Impact of Board Dynamics and Directors' Participation on Perceived Board Effectiveness. British Journal of Management
4. Elms, Nicholson & Pugliese. 'The importance of group-fit in new director selection. Management Decision
5. Pugliese, Minichilli & Zattoni. Integrating Agency and Resource Dependence Theory: Firm Profitability, Industry Regulation, and Board Tasks Performance. Journal of Business Research
6. Bezemer, Nicholson & Pugliese. 'Inside the Boardroom: exploring Board Member Interactions'. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, Emerald Literati Award 2015.
7. Pugliese. 'IPOs around the World: a review of Corporate Governance and Initial Public Offerings - An International Perspective'. Journal of Management and Governance.
8. Cascino, Pugliese, Mussolino & Sansone. The Influence of family ownership on the quality of accounting information. Family Business Review, Special Issue on 'Accounting in Family Firms'
9. Pugliese, Bezemer, Zattoni, Huse, Van Den Bosch & Volberda. 'Boards of Directors' Contribution to Corporate Strategy: A Literature Review and Research Agenda'. Corporate Governance: an International Review. Special Issue on 'Review of Corporate Governance'
10. Pugliese & Wenstop. Board Members' Contribution to Strategic Decision Making in Small Firms'. Journal of Management and Governance

PUBLICATIONS (Books and Book Chapters)
1. Quantitative Data Analysis: A Companion Book for Accounting and Information Systems Research (with Mertens & Recker). Springer International Publishing
2. Boards Contribution to Strategy and Innovation (with Zattoni). Chapter into the 'Handbook of Corporate Governance' (Eds. Clarke & Branson). SAGE Publishing

PUBLICATIONS (Italian Language)
3. L'impatto delle condizioni interne ed eterne sul ruolo del CdA: un'analisi empirica sulle grandi imprese italiane. Book Chapter (Ed. Fortuna). Il Mulino.
4. Evolutionary patterns in Corporate Governance Research. Monograph. CEDAM.
5. Ownership Structures and Governance Mechanisms in Italian Family Firms. Book Chapter in 'La Sensibilita' al Valore nelle Imprese Familiari', (Ed. Viganò). CEDAM.
6. Financial Reporting in Small Family Firms: Towards a New Framework? Book Chapter in 'La Sensibilita' al Valore nelle Imprese Familiari', (Ed. Viganò). CEDAM.