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Personale Strutture


Professore Ordinario





Born on 12.08.1963 at Chirignago, Venice. Married, two daughters.

Education and Professional Career
2011 Full Professor of Petrography and Petrology
1992 PhD in Earth Sciences
1987 Degree cum laude in Geological Sciences

Research training Abroad
1997: Clermont-Ferrand (France)
1993: Princeton, NJ (USA)
1990-1991: Zurich (CH)

Scientific Areas
- Metamorphic Petrology
- LP – HT metamorphism and anatexis of metapelites
- Melt and Fluid inclusion studies and fluid-rock interactions during partial melting of graphitic pelites
- Mineralogical studies of HT minerals
- Geology, PT evolution and geochronology in the Eastern Alps and in the Betic Cordillera

Research papers
77 papers, h-index: 29, >2500 citations (ISI WoS)
3 volumes as (co)Editor

Invited Contributions
Seminars at: Portsmouth, UK (2016);; NHM London, UK (2014); MHN Paris, F (2014), Boulder, CO (2014); UPMC Paris, F (2013); Curtin, Perth, AU (2012); Univ. Maryland, MD (2011); Princeton, NJ (2011), Berlin, D (2002, 2010), Granada, ES (2001, 2006, 2011), ETH-Zurich, CH (2002, 2007, 2012).
Talks at GSA (2006); AGU (2006); GSA (2009); IMA (2010); Goldschmidt (2012, 2014); G&G (2013); MinPet (2013, keynote); DMGV (2013, Plenary Lecture); EGU (2014).

Expertise in Research Management
Coordinator or P.I. of projects:
- Crustal Anatexis in Nature and Experiments, (1998-2000) UniPD
- Subsolidus processes in rocks and materials (1999-2001) C.N.R.
- Crustal Melting in the thinned margin of the Alboràn basin (2004-2006) C.N.R. through ESF
- Petrologic study of fluid-melt-rock interactions during the anatexis of graphitic metapelites (2005-2007) MIUR
- Crustal Anatexis: Natural evidence, Experiments and Modelling (2008-2010) MIUR
- Geodynamic and geochemical control on magma genesis and differentiation (2012-2015) MIUR
- Il metamorfismo di HP/UHP e HT in Antartide. PNRA (2015-2016)
- MAKEARTH. Ca.Ri.Pa.Ro. (2016-2018)
- Nanogranite. Marie Curie IOF funded by EC (2016-)

Scientific Prizes and Honors
Prize "Oxilia", SGI, 1989-1990
Prize "Bianchi", SIMP 1994-1995
Prize "Tartufari", Acc. Lincei, 2012
Member, IVSLA, 2008
Fellow: GSA 2013; MSA 2016; RPS 2017


Services for Societies
President, SIMP (2014-2015)
Member, APC, GSA (2013-2016)
Member, Urey Award Committee, EAG (2014-2017)

Organization of Scientific Meetings
(co)Chair of Meetings:
- emc2016; SIMP-SGI-AIV-SoGeI, 2015; SIMP-SGI, 2014
co-Convenor of symposia, sessions and and workshops:
- GSA 2015; Goldschmidt 2013; IGC 2012; Frontiers in Mineral Sciences 2007; IGC, 2004; EUG10, 1999.

Editorial Activity
Editorial Review Board of JMG (2006-)
Associate Editor of EJM (2013- )
Executive Committee, Elements (2012-2013)
Editorial Board of Per. Mineralogia (2004-08)
Guest Editor of Elements: “When the Continental Crust melts” (2011).

Referee for: AJES, CRAS, Comput. Geosci, CMP; EPSL; Elements, EJM, GCA, Geology, Geol. Mag., Geol. Mat. Res., GRL, Iranian J. Sci. Tech., IJES, J. Geol. Soc. London, JMG., JPet, Lithos, Miner. Depos., Min. Mag., Phys. Chem. Earth., Proceed. O.D.P., SMPM, Terra Nova.

Reviewing of Research Projects
Referee for: CIVR; ESF; MIUR-PRIN; NRF of South Africa; Uni-Siena, PRAT uni-PD; RCSA, USA; BLANC, France; SNF.

Training of Research
Director of the PhD School in Earth Sciences at UniPD (2004-2007)
Coordinator of the FP6 Marie Curie "EURISPET"
Coordinator of ISPET (MIUR Interlink)
Supervisor of 6 PhD and 6 Postdoc


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elenco completo e aggiornato (marzo 2016) al file allegato.

Ultimi tre anni:

Ferrero, S., Braga, R., Berkesi, M., Cesare, B. and Laridhi Ouazaa N. (2014) Production of metaluminous melt during fluid-present anatexis of the Maghrebian basement (La Galite Archipelago – Central Mediterranean. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 32, 229-225.

Bartoli O., Cesare B., Remusat L., Acosta-Vigil A. and Poli S. (2014) The H2O content of granite embryos. EPSL, 395, 281-290.

Barich A., Acosta-Vigil A., Garrido C.J., Cesare B., Tajcmanova L., Bartoli O. (2014) Microstructures and petrology of melt inclusions in the anatectic sequence of Jubrique (Betic Cordillera, S Spain): Implications for crustal anatexis. Lithos, 206-207; 303-320.

Acosta-Vigil A., Rubatto D., Bartoli O., Cesare B., Meli S., Pedrera A., Azor A., Tajcmanova L. (2014) Age of anatexis in the crustal footwall of the Ronda peridotites, S Spain. Lithos 210-211; 147-167.

Moore S.J., Cesare B. and Carlson W.D. (2015) Epitaxial nucleation of garnet on biotite in the polymetamorphic metapelites surrounding the Vedrette di Ries intrusion (Italian Eastern Alps). European Journal of Mineralogy, 27; 5-18.

Carosi R., Montomoli C., Langone A., Turina A., Cesare B., Iaccarino S., Fascioli L., Visonà D., Ronchi A., Man Rai S. (2015) Eocene partial melting recorded in peritectic garnets from kyanite-gneiss, Greater Himalayan Sequence, central Nepal. In: Mukherjee, S., Carosi, R., van der Beek, P. A., Mukherjee, B. K. & Robinson, D. M. (eds): Tectonics of the Himalaya. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 412, 111–129.

Cesare B., Acosta-Vigil A., Bartoli O., Ferrero S. (2015) What can we learn from melt inclusions in migmatites and granulites? Lithos, 239, 186-216.

Bartoli O., Cesare B., Acosta-Vigil A. (2015) High-temperature metamorphism and crustal melting: working with melt inclusions. Periodico di Mineralogia, 84, 591-614

Ridolfi F., Braga R., Cesare B., Renzulli A., Perugini D., Del Moro S. (2016) Unravelling the complex interaction between mantle and crustal magmas encoded in the lavas of San Vincenzo (Tuscany, Italy). Part I: Petrography and Thermobarometry. Lithos, 244, 218-232

Ridolfi F., Braga R., Cesare B., Renzulli A., Perugini D., Del Moro S. (2016) Unravelling the complex interaction between mantle and crustal magmas encoded in the lavas of San Vincenzo (Tuscany, Italy). Part II: Geochemical Overview and Modelling. Lithos, 244, 233-249

Ferri F., Burlini L., Cesare B. (2016) Effect of partial melting on Vp and Vs in crustal enclaves from Mazarrón (SE Spain). Tectonophysics, 671, 139–150

Bartoli O., Acosta-Vigil A., Ferrero S., Cesare B. (2016) Granitoid magmas preserved as melt inclusions in high-grade metamorphic rocks. American Mineralogist, in press.

Acosta-Vigil A., Barich A., Bartoli O., Garrido C.J., Cesare B., Remusat L., Poli S., Raepsaet C. (2016) The composition of nanogranitoids in migmatites overlying the Ronda peridotites (Betic Cordillera, S Spain): the anatectic history of a polymetamorphic basement. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol, in press

Area di ricerca

-Anatessi crostale e Migmatiti
-Petrologia del Metamorfico
-Metamorfismo ed Anatessi di rocce grafitiche
-Inclusioni fluide e vetrose ed interazioni fluido-roccia durante il metamorfismo e la fusione crostale
-Biotite in metapeliti di alta temperatura
-Geologia Alpina

Tesi proposte

Opportunità di tesi di Laurea Magistrale in GGT

1 - Studio di Inclusioni di Fuso in Granuliti
Studio combinato di terreno, petrografia di dettaglio, microchimica e petrologia sperimentale (rifusione di inclusioni) sulle rocce migmatitiche di Ronda (Spagna) o della Zona di Ivrea e della valle di Kaligandaki (Nepal). Collaborazioni previste con le Università di Granada, Milano e Torino.

2 - Petrologia in rocce metamorfiche di Alto Grado e Anatettiche
Studio combinato di terreno, petrografia di dettaglio, microchimica e equilibri di fase tramite modellizzazione termodinamica sulle rocce granulitiche del Kerala Khondalite Belt (India) o di Ronda (Spagna). Collaborazioni previste con le Università di Granada e Zurigo.

3 – Altri Argomenti
Varie altre possibilità su tematiche generalmente collegate a metamorfismo di alto grado e anatessi, e allo studio di inclusioni fluide o di fuso.